Bee-Plane TRL 2

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TRL 2 starts in 2013. It is planned to have a 2 years duration.

Bee-Plane TRL 1 Year 2012 : First aeronautical configuration to be studied in details is the one resulting from TRL1.
Projet and tasks are made according to Lesser Open Bee License 1.3

Project Overview

Project description at beginning of TRL2 :

Additional documentation and numerical mock-up
All technical work done according to the open source paragraph of the Lesser Open Bee License 1-3 is available within a dedicated IT server. Access is provide on request.


Studies will includes : - Configuration definition - Aerodynamic - Accoustic - Mechanical

Projects already finished:

  • EM Normandy : Partnership strategy
  • SupMeca : Airport Studies
  • SupMeca : overall design studies and Collaborative projet
  • SupMeca : landing gear definition

    Projects near completion :
    None : "summer time"

    Projects planned for september 2013 :
  • Ecole Centrale Paris : Continue AAS Analysis for Aircraft Sizing tool, and implement lateral flight stability calculation.
  • Estaca : Cabin Layout, Structural studies, Inboard Energies, certification
  • INSA Rouen : Continue Engines parametric model (and apply to different future aircraft configuration, including BeePlane)
  • IPSA : wings studies
  • Trinity College : Accoustic

    Potential projects within universities and engineering schools
  • EPFL : Impact on transport system